
 Today is my new birthday! In terms of my Stem Cell Transplant timeline, today is day Zero. I figured it might be easiest to share the chart in terms of my STC timeline. It get a little confusing with all the meds and procedures so it's been very helpful for myself. 

So far I haven't had too many side effects. The worst has been the hiccups, which is most likely caused by one of the anti-nausea meds. They seemed to have subsided a little bit today, but were terrible yesterday. 

I spent the majority of yesterday reading and resting in the hotel. Luckily I have a ton of books and entertainment for when I'm up for it. I can't thank everyone enough for making sure I had enough things to preoccupy me. 

I'm currently out of the hotel and checked into my hospital room now, so it's actually kind of nice having nurses coming in and out. I'm sure I wont' have the same sentiment when they're checking my vitals and labs in the middle of the night, but for now it's just kind of nice to see people and talk. 

I'll share a photo or two when I'm actually getting my stem cells which should be later this morning. Thank you once again for everyone who has reached out. As you can see from the chart, the worst is on it's way, but I'll be fine. If I don't respond on the days where I'm feeling the worst, don't worry, I will get back to you eventually. 

My goal is to walk one mile each day during this. They tell me the people who are most active have the easiest time, so I'll be forcing myself to get up. 


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