Sledgehammer: Day +4

Been a few days and tbh, there hasn't been a ton to report on. Symptoms were very mild. A little queasiness, interrupted sleep, a little less appetite, but nothing major. And then I got smacked in the face this morning about 10 a.m. with some actual symptoms, like a sledgehammer coming down. Admittedly I had a terrible nights sleep. It's an adjustment getting used to a hospital bed and people checking in on you every four hours, but I had some just terrible stomach feeling all through the night and spent a lot of it back and forth between the bathroom and the bed. I think my body decided to start flushing out what it could last night and my sleep took one for the team. 

Woke up around 8 a.m. after 'sleeping in' a little and felt ok. Ordered breakfast and tried to get ready for the day because Stephanie, the kids and Kevin and Deb were coming to visit and about 10 a.m. it just hit. Nausea, upset stomach and a complete lack of focus or energy. 

The nursing staff has been amazing. They've mentioned if I have any symptoms to call them immediately so I did and within minutes they gave me some Zofran to calm the majority of the nausea and some immodium for...the other. 

Thankfully it was enough to get me on track for the visit and was totally fine through that. I can't express how much I needed their time. I was only good for about two hours, but love and laughter was what I needed today. And we got plenty of that. Played a few card games, talked with the kids, got all caught up on Grace's winter camp from the weekend. Learned more about Minecraft than I ever thought I would know from Rory and just enjoyed the time. They brought me some fresh banana bread that Stephanie made, a stuffed animal which seems a little silly to sleep with at 41 almost 42, but is like a second pillow while I'm laying in bed, so I'll take it. They're making sure I have fresh clothes, snacks galore and don't have to want for anything. 

Before they left, everyone sang happy birthday to me for the new SCT birthday since they couldn't be here last week when it actually was. For anyone that gets a SCT you get a second birthday. Sorry, it's not my rules. Just means I get extra presents. We toasted with the sparkling juice the hospital gave me. I had to hang on to it just for Grace and guess who drank pretty much the entire bottle? 

I have plenty of reading material when I can concentrate (something a lot harder than I realized from the meds). Tons of video games to play, crosswords and of course all the new Bears entertainment I can hope for in the football Facebook groups. Great hire, btw! I mostly just need to keep my body moving when I can. I can see why it's so hard when you just don't have the energy. The 5 or 6 laps I did on the 6th floor today have me pretty wiped out, but I know a lot of that is lack of sleep, so I'm hoping for a better night tonight.

Today is definitely the day I've eaten the least amount of food. I just really didn't feel like much around lunch, but luckily they brought me a protein smoothie which was great! Tonight will probably be mostly reading, games and possibly some tv. Trying to make it to at least 9 when when they come for my vitals then pack it in because I'll be woken up at 1 and 5 again. As always, thanks to everyone whose reached out. 


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